2023 Honours Exhibition.
My own work titled “Tales from Under the Silk Cotton Tree” was an immersive installation. In the School of Art’s soundstage, I created a forest at night. The trees were made of cotton fabric naturally dyed and cyanotyped to look like trees. To enter the exhibit you had to take a lantern to illuminate your way. The trees were lit also from underneath with a variety of lights, but that light was not enough to guide you around the space. While in the forest, there was the ambient sound of the night, recorded by my cousin who still lives in the area we grew up in and is still quite untamed. Crickets, frogs, the odd car in the distance and other night sound were heard in the background as you walked through the space. Every few minutes, a story would be told, a folklore tale, a supernatural experience or even a superstition, all recorded by friends and family who either still lived in Trinidad or lived there long enough to know the stories.
There were also 25 or so other students who were showcasing their final works. I was proud to exhibit alongside them. We were the graduating Honours Class and Graphic Design Honours class of 2023.